Liver, gall bladder and kidney disorders

SYSTEM-REGULATION | Phyto-Preparation













The remedy HEXACYL ® is prepared from sulfur D4 and the mother tinctures of lycopodium and berberis. The three medicinal substances have a similar spectrum of action and harmoniously combine to form an overall remedy.

HEXACYL ® is generally used for the increasingly common metabolic disorders caused by exposure to environmental toxins, unhealthy lifestyles and poor nutrition. Lycopodium and Sulfur complement each other in their central influence on the detoxification function of the liver, while Lycopodium and Berberis enhance the elimination and detoxification function via kidneys and bile. Thus HEXACYL ® brings about a profound regulation of disturbed metabolic processes in the body.

HEXACYL ® is an excellent SYSTEM-REGULATION remedy and is used to stimulate metabolism, detoxification and in cases of congestion, especially of the venous system. This also includes the elimination of toxic and infectious damage due to increased protein breakdown, e.g. in cases of food intolerances, intoxications and infections.

The following symptoms are crucial for homeopathic repertorization:
- Detoxification functions of liver and kidney are inhibited (uric acid diathesis), rigidity occurs with tendency to stone formation in gall bladder or urinary bladder.
- Multiple complaints of the gastrointestinal tract due to insufficient production of the various digestive juices.
- Skin changes, e.g. dry or purulent eczema with severe itching and redness, especially at body orifices, are further indications of the poor metabolic condition.
- Tension and painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system with great weakness.
- Cardiac disorders as a result of congestion in the hepatic and portal circulation. Leading symptoms are: Severe burning and itching, exhaustion, worsening by heat, cold and rest. Improvement by fresh air, moderate exercise.

Within the elements of SANUM therapy it belongs to the medicines of SYSTEM-REGULATION.
Supportive treatment for functional disorders of the liver and gall bladder:
The liver is a central organ in our metabolism and performs various vital tasks in our body every day. Substances that have been absorbed into the bloodstream in the stomach and intestines enter the liver through the portal vein. Here, these substances are then utilized, stored, converted or broken down as needed. The liver forms a filter, so to speak, between the intestines and the rest of the body's circulation. Toxic substances, but also bacteria, are filtered out in the liver and rendered harmless. But the liver is also important for digestion. Every day, the liver produces bile, which is collected in the gallbladder and released as needed. The bile acids contained in it are of enormous importance for fat digestion in the intestine, but waste products are also transported to the intestine via the bile. In the last section of the small intestine, the bile acids are then removed from the intestine and transported back to the liver to be available again for fat digestion.
Although the liver and gallbladder are so important for metabolism, symptoms of disease are rarely clearly recognizable. Rather, very unspecific symptoms often appear, in the case of the liver symptoms such as fatigue, lack of drive, digestive complaints and loss of appetite. As the disease progresses, the skin and mucous membranes may become yellow (jaundice). In the case of gallbladder, the symptoms are also not much clearer at the beginning. There may be upper abdominal discomfort, general malaise and a feeling of fullness and flatulence. Only later in the course of a biliary colic can a seizure-like dull pain accompanied by cramps appear.

Supportive treatment for functional disorders of the kidneys:
A healthy person has two kidneys, which perform a variety of tasks in the body. Together with the liver, the kidneys are responsible for detoxification. All water-soluble toxins are released here. Furthermore, the kidneys regulate the water and electrolyte balance and produce important hormones, such as erythropoietin, which is essential for blood formation. The acid-base balance is also regulated by the kidneys.
As with the liver, it is often not noticed at first that the kidneys are restricted in their function. Nonspecific symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, poor concentration and itching occur. In the later course, there is also often a gray complexion and water retention (edema) in the body.

HEXACYL ® can be used as a supporting treatment for functional disorders of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys.
Sulphur 4X dilution, Lycopodium clavatum mother tincture, Berberis vulgaris mother tincture
The following dosage forms are available: 30 ml dropper bottle.
Unless otherwise prescribed: For oral intake: in case of acute conditions 5 drops every half to full hour up to a maximum of 12 times daily. In case of chronic conditions 5 drops up to 3 times daily.

HEXACYL ® - Liquid Dilution

Zusammensetzung: 10 g (corresponds to 10.99 ml) liquid dilution contains: Medically active substance: 3.00 g Sulphur 4X dil, 0.10 g Lycopodium clavatum mother tincture, 0.05 g Berberis vulgaris mother tincture. Other constituents:, ethanol 43% (m/m), purified water.

Indikation: Supporting treatment for functional liver, gallbladder and kidney disorders.

Gegenanzeigen: This product contains 59.9 % (v/v) alcohol (ethanol). This may present a health risk in cases of liver diseases, alcoholism, epilepsy, brain damage, pregnancy, and in children. The action of other drugs may be reduced or intensified.

Nebenwirkungen: Because of the specific organic components of HEXACYL®, theoretically, hypersensitivity may occur. In this case, discontinue use and treat symptomatically.

Warnhinweis: This product contains 59.9 % (v/v) alcohol (ethanol).

Hersteller: SANUM-Kehlbeck GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 1355, 27316 Hoya.