The principles of the SANUM therapy

Life in nature is determined by recurring cycles with developing and degrading processes, which are in exchange with each other and are also dependent on each other. Disturbances in one system therefore inevitably influence the others and can lead to lasting changes.


Natural cycles Principles of life

The growth cycle of a plant depends on factors such as water, nutrients and the sun.

Disturbances, e.g. due to an excess of sun/heat cause the plant to wilt, but it also changes the composition of the bacteria in the soil, which form important nutrients for the plant. Regulatory measures (addition of water) can normalise the cycle again.

With the regulatory
power of micro­organisms

Bring the body into balance

Human development also depends on various cycles, not only from outside but also from within. In the course of the evolution of man there was a constant contact and exchange with microorganisms (fungi, bacteria). A community for mutual benefit was formed. The presence of certain microorganisms is a fundamental requirement for the development and maintenance of different processes in the human body. In the process, the microorganisms not only form valuable metabolic products (vitamins, nutrition of the intestinal mucosa, chemical messengers for the brain such as serotonin), but they also perform a regulatory function, for example for the development of the immune system.

Current research shows that human colonisation and coexistence with certain microorganisms are important for maintaining health. As current research shows, disturbances in this biocoenosis (dysbiosis) are the basis for the development of diseases.

These can manifest themselves in all organ systems, e.g. in the gastrointestinal tract where a dysbiosis promotes diseases such as intestinal mycosis (candidamycosis), but also chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, or in patients suffering from depression. Here, a dysbiosis of the intestinal flora can very often be detected in parallel.

There are many reasons for the development of a dysbiosis, however, the state of the internal environment stands out. The environment in the body influences your own metabolic processes and the acid-base balance is an important component of the internal environment. The environment also depends on a number of other components, however hyperacidity in the body has a particularly strong influence on the metabolism and the micro organisms.


How can we help our bodies?

The aim of a holistic therapy is to bring the community of microorganisms back into symbiosis and to have a regulating effect on the environment. This can be done in a number of ways. Some things are in your hands. A big issue, especially in terms of the environment, is nutrition. Alkaline foods, bitter substances and a low intake of industrial sugar and animal protein are the basis of a good, low-acid diet. However, in the case of chronic infections and dysbiosis of the microorganisms, it becomes difficult for the individual alone to intervene in a supportive manner.

This is where the SANUM therapy comes in with its unique therapeutic approach. The medicinal products consist mainly of specific components of various microorganisms (fungi or bacteria) and preparations that support a physiological balance in the body. Depending on the main effect, the individual medicines can be assigned to the three elements of SANUM therapy. Thanks to this, depending on the disease, the therapy can be individually adapted to the needs of the patient in order to support the organism in a gentle way.