UTILIN ® 6X Capsules

IMMUNE-REGULATION | Bacto-Preparation


gluten free


alcohol free


fructose free


gmo free

The remedy UTILIN ® is produced from the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Within the elements of SANUM therapy it belongs to the medicines of IMMUNE-REGULATION.
Based on experience used supportively for
Based on experience used supportively for
Homeopathic remedy, therapeutic indications are not stated.
active ingredient
Bacillus subtilis e volumine ex muris cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 6X.
Package sizes
The following dosage forms are available: 5 ml dropper bottle 6X, 1 ml ampule 10 and 50 4X, 6X, 10 suppositories 6X, 5 capsules 4X, 6X.
Unless otherwise prescribed: 1-2 x weekly 1 capsule.
Mandatory information

UTILIN ® 6X - Capsules

Composition: 1 capsule contains: Medically active substance: 330 mg Bacillus subtilis e volumine ex muris cellulae (lyophil., steril.) 6X trit. Other constituents: lactose, hypromellosis (capsule shell).

Based on experience used supportively for: Homeopathic remedy, therapeutic indications are not stated.

Contraindications: Fever, conditions of weakness. Do not administer in cases of known hypersensitivity to Bacillus subtilis.

Side effects: Because of specific organic components of UTILIN®, theoretically, hypersensitivity may occur. In this case, discontinue medication and treat symptomatically.

Manufacturer: SANUM-Kehlbeck GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 1355, 27316 Hoya.

Other dosage forms of this product



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